Philosophy & Yoga
We are committed to helping everyone discover some of the methodologies and opportunities that help us choose in favor of health and therefore the healing of our mental, emotional and physical bodies (not just the physical body). We have at our disposal the tools to change our lives for the better. Whether we choose to do so, depends on us.
"If you are not feeling well or are feeling 'off' and your doctor can't pinpoint anything in particular, or your doctor is finding all sorts of problems with you that seems to require that you take one, two, three, four, up to seven or eight different drugs, then you need to start looking at things differently and stop referring your problem(s) to your doctor. Doctors of today are, more than likely, only going to prescribe a drug because s/he doesn't know what to do other than that. Start researching Health Practitioners not doctors
Doctors do not know what to do for health problems because they were never trained in anything having to do with health while in medical school. They were trained on disease states and the most likely pharmaceuticals to alleviate, but not eliminate, the pain and the symptoms. They have a very poor track record with respect to chronic disease. They were trained that the only way to address a problem is the way that they were taught in med school, with all other methodologies to be considered bogus and unscientific. They were trained to prescribe drugs for various diseases and ailments, but only insofar as to address the symptom(s), not the cause(s). Their post doctorate education is mainly performed by pharmaceutical reps. And sadly, the Hippocratic Oath is no longer part of the medical school philosophy.
The doctors of today, unfortunately, are primarily dispensaries for the drug industry. Many doctors, if not most, know this. So, if you wish to attain and maintain good health, it must be done outside the allopathic (western) model."
~ Michael Sutton
We are affiliated with certain practitioners around the country and are introducing some of them here. Click any of the sub-links in the Affiliates header to find out more.